Behaviour Support – Strategy and Practice
One of our Veritable practitioners recently presented at a WA community of practice on the topic of ‘strategy’ in functional assessments. This was linked to the many different considerations that practitioners have to take into account when striving for high quality behaviour support outcomes. The above ‘PBS Pathway on a Page’ visual was part of […]
Veritable Visual – Respite Tool
Veritable is in the process of developing some tools and resources to provide to those supporting communication with participants in remote communities. We find that sometimes it is difficult to explain (across language and cultural barriers with limited interpreting and other supports) that respite trips are for short periods only. Taking into account the generational […]
Quality over growth… yet the team expands
It has been a long time between updates. A lot has happened in the past year in Veritable. Veritable has been slowing building up its practitioner team, valuing quality services over growth. This is a very important guiding principle for us. In the end, we want to be seen as a company that promotes the […]
Beyond just setting the bar for behaviour support
I have been preoccupied of late with what it means to be a behaviour support practitioner. Last weekend, I settled down with a cup of tea to take in the new NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission ‘competency framework’. Surely this eagerly anticipated guide would fuel my thinking, I pondered to myself. And it was … […]