Welcome to Veritable 

We have a reputation for providing the most innovative, responsive, evidence-based and person-centred specialist supports to people and service providers in remote Australia. This includes direct support for clients, reflective sessions, consultancy and group workshops.

Veritable specialises in positive behaviour support and social work services for NDIS participants, supervision for professionals, and training and support for service providers to strengthen their business and provide high quality services. We have staff based in Alice Springs, Darwin and Brisbane.

Veritable’s direct client services are for people with complex needs, such as those who have contact with the justice system, child protection and health services. We help people who need to be seen and heard in a culturally safe way, providing assistance for solutions that meet their needs. We keep our caseloads low so that we can provide the best service to our clients.

Our supervision, training and consultancy services improve the capacity of organisations to serve their clients. This includes through small group training, reflective practice, and consultancy reviews of quality systems or incidents. 

All of our staff are experienced in working in remote Australia and bring a high standard of excellence, innovation and creativity to their work.  We invest in our staff so they are continuously learning, offer high quality service and are valued for their individual skills.

Our work is centred in a human rights, social justice practice approach that – first and foremost – is about improving people’s quality of life.